Tuesday, July 12, 2016

How to protect yourself from thunderstorm

When storm is started then we can see light on the sky on night or day time and this lighting is called thunderstorm. Thunderstorm light has special beauty and also surprising to us but this thunderstorm is so dangerous which can be life threaten for anyone. Last past thirty years it’s killed lots of people in the world. But if we follow some steps then we can safe us from this dangerous hazard. So follow this article’s below steps for your own safety from thunderstorm.

Take a safe Shelter

1. Get shelter immediately. If you caught by thunderstorm then quickly try to get safe shelter cause you can minimize risk of thunderstorm attack by taking safe shelter. If you are able to detect lightning of thunderstorm then thunderstorm is very near to you. Don’t take shelter under tall or small tree. Try to avoid electricity line or light post cause your life can fall in danger by this electric line and most of thunder fall under tree or light post.

2. Keep away yourself from windows. Close all windows and keep yourself away from windows and try to stay inner rooms of your home cause thunder can fall to your windows and windows give path to thunders for traveling so be careful from windows of your home.

3. Avoid touching electric or metal. Try to avoid touching electric or metal material cause thunder can travel into your home through your electric line and most of injury happen to our country for using land line phone during thunderstorm time. During thunderstorm time don’t touch any electric line and never try to unplug your electric material like TV, refrigerator, oven or etc. If you are in car then don’t touch any material of your car.

4. Keep yourself inside. Keeping yourself inside of your home will be good idea for you and wait minimum thirty minutes after fall last thunder of thunderstorm cause anytime rain can start with thunderstorm.

If you are in outside

1. Risk minimize. If you are in outside and can’t reach any safe shelter then go a lower portion of where you are cause thunders always fall upper portion objects as a result try to go as much as lower portion you can. Try to avoid large space like golf, soccer, cricket or football play ground. Stay away from trees or light posts. don’t take shelter in unprotected vehicles like golf cars.

2. Stay away from water. If you are in swimming pool, catching fish form pond or river then quickly leave this place cause thunder can touch you through water.

3. Maintain a distance. If you are with a group of people then maintain a distance of fifty to hundred feet for each person as a result if thunder fall onto one person then it will not be able to travel to other person.

4. Leave your bag. If you are traveling with metal frame bag then immediately leave it and stay away from it minimum hundred feet.

5. Be alert from thunder. If thunder almost have fallen near to you and your have heard a kie kie crack sound and also your body is being vibrated then be sure that you got a new life from thunderstorm. Now immediately leave this place cause next thunder can fall on you.

6. Get rubber boots. If you wear rubber boots then you will be safe from thunderstorm shock cause thunders are electric and it rubber is non bearable electricity.

Be prepare for thunderstorm

1. Make a plan. The best way for protecting yourself is making a plan of avoiding thunderstorm fully. Be sure your plan will be hundred percent effective. Try to keep listing local weather forecast and what thunderstorm’s adviser is saying about thunderstorm.

2. Keep tracking sky. if you are going outside or already out of home then try to keep tracking sky. If you see any sign of thunderstorm like rain, dark sky or bad weather then immediately if possible go your home or take a safe shelter.

3. Calculation of thunder. If you see light of thunder and heard sound of this thunder within thirty seconds then be sure thunder have fallen very near of area so take shelter immediately.

4. Make a quick plan. If you are with your group then quickly discuss with your group about thunderstorm and try to know where is nearest safe shelter.

5. Ready your emergency supplies. Prepare your emergency supplies like first aid box and alternative light source.

6. Install an iron rod. If you lives at thunderstorm area then it will be very good idea if you install an iron rod few far from your home cause when thunderstorm will be started then thunders will only fall on iron rod instead of falling your home as a result your family will be safe.

Handling victim of thunderstorm

1. Emergency service. If someone is affected by thunderstorm then immediately call emergency service.

2. Don’t touch. If someone is affected by thunderstorm then don’t touch him immediately cause you can put your life in danger by touching this victim. Wait until danger pass away and later pass this victim to a safer place.

3. CPR. Most people stuck when they are affected by thunderstorm and they don’t keep electrical charge in their body as a result you can help them by giving CPR treatment. If child is affected by thunderstorm then give child CPR treatment or if adult is affected by thunderstorm then give adult CPR treatment.

4. Treat victim. If people is affected by thunderstorm then lay them down on their back with slightly rest of head than torso and lags will be supported slightly high.

So follow above all steps to protect yourself or your family from any thunderstorm.

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