Sunday, June 26, 2016

How to save battery life on android device

smartphone’s battery is life blood of smartphone and today’s world fully dependent on smartphone cause smartphone is a pocket or mobile computer which we can take any place without any problem. By smartphone we never feel along cause we can always entertain ourself by listing or watching audio clip, songs and movies. Other side we can take picture or capture video by this smartphone. We can also surf internet, chat with friends, video calling, and also accomplish office work like presentation or send email to someone. Now we can’t never imagine a second without smartphone. So if we can’t save battery life of smartphone then we have to face lots of problem like communication error or feeling bore. So it’s time to save our battery life of android device by following below’s some steps.

1.Turnoff location service:
Yes location service is always drain smartphone’s battery life and we should turnoff this feature until we need it, when we need it then we must have to turn it on, suppose we are going to new place and we don’t know this place path then we can use Google map to reach this place and Google map will not work until you turn on location feature.
2.Turnoff synchronize service:
Synchronize is also drain smartphone’s battery life and we should turnoff this feature. Obviously synchronize is good service to keep our contact details, pictures and lots of valuable document to Google server as a result we can get access this information from any location of the world even if we lost our smartphone as a result we don’t need to worry about losing phone information after lose smartphone. But if we always keep synchronize service turn on then it will drain smartphone’s battery life but we can save smartphone’s battery life by one time daily turn it on for few minute instead of always turn it on.


3.Turnoff wi-fi:
Obviously wi-fi is money sever and we can use internet full freely by using our smartphone from wi-fi free zone. Today we can use free wi-fi on restaurant, park, theater or etc place but wi-fi is also drain smartphone’s battery life as a result we should turn on wi-fi only when need it instead of always keeping it turn on.
On smartphone hotspot is quit popular and we can share our internet to our friends or relatives by smartphone through this hotspot feature but keeping it always turn on will drain smartphone’s battery life as a result we should turn on hotspot only when need it instead of always keeping it turn on.
5.Turnoff bluetooth:
Bluetooth is really is really good feature of smartphone and we can share picture, song, movie or etc document through bluetooth service but always turning on bluetooth feature will drain smartphone’s battery life so we should turn on bluetooth only when need it instead of always keeping it turn on.
6. Restrict background data:
Our smartphone is always smart cause it’s still working when we are not using it and this time lots of apps run advertisement which we don’t know as a result our smartphone battery drain so quickly. Lots of popular apps are doing same thing for earning money. As a result we lost battery life and is to carry large mobile operator bill cause it’s use also data for running advertisement. If we restrict background data then we will be able to increase smartphone battery life and also will be able to save our valuable money.
7.Turnoff auto brightness and reduce brightness:
Most of smartphone has AMOLED screen which use lots of battery and smartphone’s most of battery drainer is this smartphone screen so if we can reduce brightness of smartphone then we will also be able to save battery life of smartphone. Other side don’t use auto brightness which also increase brightness as a result we lost quickly battery life of samrtphone. So we should not use auto brightness feature at all.
8. Use black white wallpaper:
Now we know that most of smartphone has AMOLED screen which drain samrtphone battery life but if we can use black white wallpaper then it will save our samrtphone battery life.
9.Force stop most of battery drainer apps:
If we go battery section then we can see which apps is using battery much and if we can stop those apps when we don’t need it then we will be able to save battery life. So force stop most of battery drainer apps.
10. Battery saver:
Most of smartphone has battery saver which increase battery life so use battery saver for increase battery life of your smartphone.

11. Use don’t disturb:
Using don’t disturb feature will save battery life for a certain period as a result we will be able to increase battery life of our smartphone.
12. Set shorter screen timeout:
Setting a shorter screen timeout will also save battery life which increase battery life of our smartphone.

13. Use lock screen notification:
Using lock screen notification will show notification of smartphone instead of unlock smartphone which means it’s also save battery life of our smartphone. So start use lock screen notification from today for increase battery life of our smartphone.

14. Turnoff vibration:
We frequently use vibration when we don’t need it but this vibration also drain smartphone battery life. So we should not use vibration feature always but we can use vibration when we actually need it like outside of home or office as a result we will be able to save battery life of our smartphone.

15. Turnoff auto update apps:
If we set auto update of apps then it will always try to use update itself as a result our smartphone battery will be drain automatically. So turnoff all auto update of apps for increase battery life of our smartphone.
16. Use original battery of your smartphone:
Using original battery of your smartphone will give you correct battery life instead of duplicate which give low battery life. So try to use original battery of your smartphone to increase battery life of your smartphone.

17.Explore new technic:
You can try your own technic to save battey life of your smartphone which also increase battery life of your smartphone.

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