Sunday, July 3, 2016

How to prevent yourself from a heart attack

Heart is an important part of our body which keep us alive and healthy by getting oxygen and nutrients through blood vessels which is called coronary arteries. Myocardial infraction or MI is also known as a heart attack where coronary arteries is blocked and then our mussel dies and this types of block is also called heart disease or coronary arteries disease (CAD). When fat start siting on the wall of coronary arteries then coronary arteries become narrow day by day as a result on time it’s fully blocked and coronary arteries can’t feed blood to our heart as a result our heart can’t get it’s needed oxygen and nutrients which means death of our body. But after attack if we can go to doctor immediately then there remain lots of chance keep our self alive. Now if you think you have a chance of heart attack then you can follow below steps to prevent and protect yourself from a heart attack.

Chang your foods menu

1.Eat only healthy foods:
To prevent coronary arteries block you should change your eating habit and take balance diet meals like fat free food which is rich in fruits, vegetables, sea fishes, whole grains, and beans. You should always eat cholesterol free foods. Always avoid dairy foods, butter, fried foods and also cheese. If you don’t know how to create a balance diet foods for you then you can get it from a doctor to learn more about balance diet foods.

2.Observe level of cholesterol:
High cholesterol means fat is siting on your coronary arteries wall. When cholesterol increase then heart need to pressure more to get blood in it cause your coronary arteries is being blocked and becoming narrow day by day so if you check your blood pressure then you will be able to understand about your coronary arteries condition and also cholesterol level. So we know that cholesterol is our enemy and if we can reduce cholesterol then our coronary arteries will not be blocked as a result if we get this foods which is cholesterol free then we will able to keep our coronary arteries clean and our heart will get it’s needed oxygen and nutrients through this coronary arteries. So from now eat only cholesterol free foods and avoid cakes, candy, white bread, cookies, chips, soft drinks and also avoid excessive sugar.

3.Stop hypertension:
We already know hypertension come from fat on blood vessels so if we can stop fat then hypertension will be automatically stop. Getting fruits, vegetables, low fat dairy products, whole grain is fat free or cholesterol free foods which will help us to stop hypertension.

4.Reduce sodium:
Sodium is also increase blood pressure so getting low sodium will help you to prevent heart attack, Try to get low salt foods, never give so much salt on foods, always try to eat salt free foods, prepackage foods contain high salt so don’t eat this prepackage foods. Keep it mind salt free foods means less chance of heart attack. If you can keep of taking salt under one thousand five hundred mg then you are almost safe from heart attack.

5.Get whole grain into your meal:
Always get hundred percent whole grain. We can get grain in bread, rice, and also pasta. If possible get whole grain bread instead of regular bread, whole grain rice instead of regular rice, whole grain pasta instead of regular pasta.

6.Get enough fruits and vegetables:
Eat enough fruits and vegetable into your regular meals. If you can get natural sugar then get it. Always remember natural sources all foods is good for health.

7.Get lean protein foods:
Always try to get lean protein food which will also help you be a healthy person and lean protein foods is also good for heart too.

8.Get more soy:
Getting more soy will help you by reducing bad cholesterol and making you a healthy person. So get more soy everyday to your meals.

Change life style

1.Regular exercise:
Regular exercise will help you to become a healthy person. Daily thirty minutes exercise will reduce your cholesterol level and high blood pressure too and your heart will work normally. As a result your heart attack chance will be reduce by your own hand. American health specialists say that if you do thirty minute exercise regularly for five days total one hundred fifty minutes then you heart attack chance will be reduced almost seventy percent.

2.Reduce weight:
Heavy weight is also responsible for heart attack. So if your weight is much then immediate take diet for reducing your extra weight. If don’t know is your perfect or much then you can check it on your mobile in BMI function. First you have give your height and then weight. If BMI says normal then you don’t need to reduce your weight but if it says fatty then you have to reduce your weight. You can reduce your weight by balance diet with exercise also.

3.Reduce stress:
Stress, anxiety, tension, and depression is also responsible for heart attack. So try to be a stress, anxiety, tension, and depression free person if you want to live in this beautiful world. You can reduce your stress, anxiety, tension, and depression by your hobbies, meditation, yoga, watching your favorite television program, sitting outside at sunshine or walking outside. Try to get sometimes from your busy life for doing all.

4.Reduce alcohol level:
Alcohol is not good for our body cause it supply more sugar in our blood as a result we gain weight so quickly. A man who get two times more alcohol and a women who get one times more alcohol is in risk of hart attack. If a person getting much alcohol then he should not stop it sudden. This person have to reduce alcohol level slowly if this person don’t do then this person can fall in sick.

5.Reduce caffeine:
Caffeine is responsible for increasing heart rate and high blood pressure especially for those person who don’t take it regularly. Excessive taking caffeine is caused irregular heart beats. A person should not get four hundred mg caffeine per day.

6.Stop smoking:
Smoking kills people so we should stop smoking but do you know why we should stop smoking. Yes smoking increase heart attack by pressuring blood vessels and it’s ingredient is responsible for it.

Taking medicine

1.Go to a doctor:
High blood pressure, high sugar, high cholesterol is not only symptoms until heart disease become severe and damage of organ. For this reason you should annually checkup yourself by a doctor. Doctor will test your blood pressure and can give cholesterol test. If see something wrong then doctor can give you some medicine for reducing heart disease.

2.Blood blots medicine:
Blood blots medicine is this types of medicine which help to reduce any injury in blood vessels. Aspirin is used as blood blots medicine for reducing blood vessels injury.

3.cholesterol medicine:
Cholesterol medicine is this types of medicine which reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Lipitor oral, zocor oral, livalo oral and etc medicine are used for reducing bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

4.Other drugs:
If no improve is seen by getting medicine then your doctor can give you some medicine which must work. So don’t forget to consult with your doctor.

Home remedies

1.Herbal remedies:
There are lots of herbal remedies which can help us to prevent heart attack but those are not scientifically approve but some people believe that those remedies work. Holly leaf which is common in china and it’s use as tea which clear blood vessel. hawthorn berry extract which is also used for good blood vessel and keeping heart healthy. Hibiscus is also other herbal remedies which is used for good blood vessel and keeping heart healthy. If anyone get tea of two teaspoon hibiscus then he can prevent heart attack.

2.Nutritional supplements:
Fish oil which contain omega 3 fatty acid can help you to prevent heart attack. You can drink two teaspoon of fish oil every day which will reduce heart attack risk.

A common medicine we can use if someone suddenly fall from somewhere and this medicine always stay in our house which is chili powder. Suppose someone fall from chair then if you give some chili powder under this person tongue then this person can protect himself from heart attack.

Remember a heart attack person will not be able to do anyone task properly from four task. Walk, talk, hands up or laugh. You can easily determine by doing this test. If you see your nearest is affected by heart attack then immediately give him some chili powder under his tongue and take him to a doctor without any late.

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