Thursday, June 30, 2016

How to protect your teeth and keep it long life

Teeth is our most valuable assets and we should proper care of it. Teeth help us to cut food in little pieces as a result our liver can digest foods very easily other side we can give beautiful smile by this teeth. After born a child get first time teeth which is gone after few years but later this child got second time strong permanent teeth and this child become adult. If this adult does not proper take care of this teeth then he or she lost their valuable teeth and face lots of problem like pain on teeth, can’t digest food properly and lots of problem. Wisdom and third set of teeth is god gifted which is very rare and very few people get it. So if you want permanent smile then you have to take care of your teeth from today and after knowing all this if you want healthy, white, and longevity of your teeth then follow below step.

Care your gums:
Your gums and other underlying of your mouth is foundation of your healthy teeth structure. Seizing, flossing and oral irrigation are very good technique to keep away bacteria from your mouth. Be sure you brush your teeth everyday and don’t scrub it too hard.

Buy good brush:
You should buy good soft brush for your teeth which will help you to remove plug from unreachable portion of your teeth. If you don’t buy good soft brush then you will face lots of problem as a result enamel will be harmed by this brush. Also incorrectly brushing will harm your enamel too.

Avoid artificial sugars:
There are artificial sugars everywhere and we get this sugar into cakes, breads, candy, baked goods, and juices too. This sugars become bacteria and multiply in our mouth. As a result if we don’t brush early after eating them then we face cavities in our teeth.

Proper care of your body:
Proper care of your body keep your teeth healthy and it produce salver which re-transfer your teeth and remove bacteria from your mouth which bacteria try to stay surface of your teeth. So keeping your body healthy means keeping your teeth healthy too. Other side you will also able to avoid metabolic condition like diabetes which can take you very dangerous gum disease too.

Get different kind of sweet:
Getting fruit like apples, oranges, pineapples and other fruits which contain fructose and bacteria can’t affect on those types of sweets for it chemical combination. Getting those types of fruit give you same sweets as artificial sugars give you like candy or soda which you likes much now.


Other important steps:
For building healthy teeth you have to do seizing, flossing and oral irrigation with a mouthwash. Always brush your teeth after wake up in the morning and before going to sleep. You should not brush your teeth more than three minutes if you do then your teeth enamel will be harmed by your brushing. You should not drink acidic drink like soft drinks. Try to avoid artificial sugar cause bacteria in tooth plaque changes sugar into acids. When playing sports then wear helmet to protect your teeth and head also. Use your teeth only for chewing instead of breaking or opening something hard like crack nuts or remove bottle’s tops.

According to dental specialist if you go ahead by flowing above steps and see your dentist every six month for dental checkup then you will see your shiny teeth which will be strong for many years.

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