Friday, July 15, 2016

How to protect your eyes from computer usage

Most of job nowadays minimum require computer usage degree which means everyone who are looking for job, have to learn computer as a result all job seeker are currently using computer and spending lots of time on computer but spending time on computer will injure job seeker eyes. Other side who are using computer for doing their daily work, also injuring their eyes too. But by following belows some steps we can protect our eyes from computer usage.

1. Keep enough distance. When you are using computer then maintain enough distance minimum three feet from monitor. If you don’t do then few month later your eyes problem will be started. You will get headache, red eyes, and foggy eyes. So keep yourself three feet away from computer monitor.

2. Keep monitor under eyes. When you are using computer then keep monitor under your eyes level minimum five inches. As a result monitor’s light will not be much harmful for you eyes and your eyeball will be safe too.

3. Use extra object. When you are using some document on computer table then document position is too under from your eye level as a result every time you need to refocus to this document’s small later which is injurious for your eyes. So when you are using document on computer table then use extra object under document as a result document will be higher position and you will feel comfort to read this and also your eyes will be safe from injury.

4. Blink eyes. When you are using computer then often try to blink your eyes cause naturally we blink our eyes twenty times in one minute but computer operating time we blink its half as a result our eye become dry which is serious injury for our eyes.

5. Adjust brightness. When you are using computer in heavy lighting room then increase brightness of computer monitor but if you are working dim lighting room then reduce brightness of your computer monitor.

6. Clean monitor screen. When you are using computer then dust can sit on your computer monitor as a result light can be reflected on your eyes but if you clean your computer monitor regularly then your eyes will not suffer any kind of monitor light reflection for dust reason.

7. Take rest. After using computer for two hours you should take some rest for fifteen minute and this brake time give rest to your eyes as a result your eyes will be normal again.

8. Take eye glasses. You can also get glasses by consulting with doctor which will be very good protection for your eyes.

9. Stop working. If you feel symptoms of eyes problem then stop working on computer as a result after few minute later your eyes will be ok but after getting symptoms for one times you should consult with your eye doctor about yours eyes problem. If you don’t do then slowly your eyes can be damage for permanently.

10. Get appointment of eye doctor. Go to eye doctor once in a year. As a result doctor will be able to examine your eyes condition and can refer perfect glasses for your eyes.

11. Do same work for smart phone or tablet. When you are using smart phone or tablet then follow same rule cause they are also one types of little computer and can harm your eyes too. But when you are using smart phone then keep it away from your eyes at least two feet.

12. Get sunglasses. When you are going outside then get sunglasses cause ultraviolet ray of sun can damage your eyes if you wear sunglasses then ultraviolet ray of sun will not be able to enter your eyes and your eyes will be safe from sun’s ultraviolet ray other side sunglasses will protect your eyes from dust too.

13. Care of your contacts lenses. After every use of your contact lenses you should properly clear your contact lenses with solution if you don’t do then you can damage your eyes by wearing dirty contact lenses.

14. Wear safety glasses. Wear safety glass when you are working with chemicals or parts. If you don’t wear glasses then your eyes can be damaged by chemicals or parts little portion.

15. Take vitamin C. Taking vitamin C related fruits not only beneficial for your health but also beneficial for your eyes health too. So don’t forget to take vitamin C related fruits everyday.

16. Take vitamin A. Vitamin A is most important for our eyes vision cause vitamin A develop eyes vision. You can get vitamin A in yellow types of fruits like carrots, orange or etc yellow types of fruits.

17. Take omega 3. Omega 3 is most important for our health and it improve nerves system which mean it’s also improve eyes nerves too. You can get omega 3 capsule or omega 3 containing foods like salmon.

18. Get water. Getting four litter above of water is most important for our health other side we often face dry eyes problem and it can prevent by drinking much water.

So if you follow all above steps then you will be able to protect your eyes from computer usage.

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